How To Wear A Mask

I just wanted to break into tears, watching as our governor gave an update on the state of how schools will be opening in the Fall.

I want my children to go back to school, it has been hard for them to be away from their structure, and friends. But I have a really hard time with the whole mask thing. (Before I continue I want to say that I know they are important, and I support the decision to wear them)

But just because I support the decision for people to wear them, doesn’t change the emotions behind the mask. It took me almost 2 months to wear a mask. At first we just made the decision that my husband would be the only one to go to the grocery store, and do our errands. Then we just got comfortable in that routine, and I just didn’t go out.

I think it was bad when I was watching a movie, and during one scene I got a little anxiety because all I could think was There are way too many people close together in that building. My husband was like Yeah, you can’t go anywhere. Continue reading