What Makes Christmas Wondrous: He Shall Be Called

As I have shared this Christmas season, I have been pondering what makes Christmas so wondrous. I have written that what makes it wondrous is that His birth was only to be accomplished by God, our promised King was born who reign would never end, God made impossible reality, and that God’s promise was fulfilled even after 400 years of silence. And on Christmas day, this is my final thought. 

What Makes Christmas So Wondrous…

We were at the bust stop the other day, and my friend and I were making plans to decorate Christmas cookies that night with our kids. Squished in the middle of talking about what cookies decorations I had, and her plan to make tacos for the night, I asked her if she wanted me to bring wine for the adults, and she said yes. Then something her son said stopped me in my tracks.

“Christmas isn’t about wine.”

I am not sure why he pointed out the wine, instead of the tacos, and cookies decorations but he did. And he is right. If he noted the tacos or cookies, I would have had the same reaction. And I needed to hear it as a reminder. Because this week has been more unexpectedly busy with shopping, wrapping, preparing meals, making cookies, and all the things. And I found myself getting caught up at moments in the holiday traditions, before first remembering Jesus.

So today my final Christmas post, is all about Jesus.

“He shall be called…”

In a dark time in Israel’s history, God promised that light was coming. Isaiah 9 (over 700 years before the light of the world would come), describes a child who would be born, and given to us. God says here that He shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father, Mighty God. All loving, and all powerful. His rule and peace would have no end.

And in Isaiah 7:14 God says His name will be Immanuel. With us, is God.

He would be many things. Israel’s strength, and consolation.

Strength: their strong tower, safety, protection, refuge.
Consolation: their comfort, and solace.

He is mighty, yet gentle. I love this. 

The name that stuck out to me the most the past couple days has been Prince of Peace. I love the Hebrew word for peace in Isaiah 9. It means peace, but also completeness, soundness, quiet, contentment. This is what was given to us when Jesus was born.

What is wondrous is that He wasn’t called Prince of Jerusalem, or Bethlehem, or Nazareth. He wasn’t the prince of a earthly location, but of the heart and in eternity. It would be of love, peace, soundness, quiet, power, strength, and heavenly splendor. And this Kingdom would never faint or fade.

This is such a beautiful thought.

What is wondrous is that Jesus wasn’t named by man. He was named by God, when He sent angel Gabrielle to Mary and then Joseph with the message that they were to call Him Jesus.  “Jehovah is salvation”. 

We celebrate today that the One named by God, Himself, came near. No longer separation from God, but now God with us.

May we remember today all that Jesus is, who He was promised to be, who He will always be. Because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He was given. It is a gift that we treasure in our hearts. And He came near, so that God would be with us.

Merry Christmas, may you feel you feel the things that He brings that can never be taken away. Peace and joy.