Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Have you ever been lost? Or felt like you were lost? We were at the playground today and as Olivia was playing I moved from where I was to another spot in the play area to sit. I thought Olivia had seen, but she went to where I had been sitting to ask me a [...]

5 Unconditional Truths About Our Identity

5 Unconditional Truths About Our Identity

Olivia knows she is a little princess. She is confident in who she is. She knows she is loved, and she would wear her favorite princess dress everyday if she could. I am pretty different in that confidence department, and that is what I am sharing about on my new post for Candidly Christian this [...]

When Grace Meets Weakness

When Grace Meets Weakness

What is your biggest weakness? Or maybe your greatest seeming failure, or unconfessed sin right now. Name it. I can tell you my most dreaded one. I won’t, but I will tell you that it is the weakness that is pointed out to me the most, the weakness that I have come the farthest in, and the weakness that I have the farthest to grow in. This is the weakness that brought me to a sobbing mess last week, because I couldn’t handle the weight of the burden that this had become.

What’s In A Name?

What’s In A Name?

If you ever want to feel like a fraud, write a blog. Seriously. More times than not, I feel inadequate in the things that I share because so many times I feel my faith and trust in Jesus isn't strong enough to put out there for the world wide web to read. And if you want to feel like a bigger fraud, change your blog's domain name to your own name. But that is what I did. I have been thinking about it for about 6-8 months now, but felt it was prideful. However once I started having major problems with my site, I decided to switch blog platforms again, which would mean designing a whole new site, and with that I decided to change the name of my blog again to a name that will never change. But there is another name that is unchanging...